Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Found Out About my Husband and Best Friend's Torrid Love Affair! I Didn't Get Mad! I Got EVEN!!!

Steve and I were married for 13 years when things began to fall apart. He had been having an affair with a woman by the name of Laurie who I thought was one of my closest friends. I had found out about their affair one day when I was cleaning up the deleted emails on my computer in order to make it run faster. We had an AOL account at the time, and when you deleted email messages, they stayed in a deleted file on your hard drive until you deleted those into the recycle bin. So there I was, going through the deleted emails to see what we should keep, and what to delete permanently. That is when it happened! I saw a series of emails that Steve had deleted that were sent from Laurie, and others that he had sent to Laurie.

I found this rather peculiar, as I had no idea that Steve and Laurie were so chummie. We had introduced Laurie to the man she was married to at the time, by the name of Craig, nearly 6 years before. I did what any curious wife and friend would do, and I opened one of the emails!

My jaw dropped as I read the words that changed my life forever! It read:

"Dear Steve,
Do you think that Diana is suspicious? I wouldn't want her to find out about us. I can't believe we were arrested in the park for illegal sexual behavior". I think the judge was really hard on me by giving me 1500 hours of community service and making me pay a $1500 fine, but I am just grateful that you were there in court to support me. I will be in court to support you the way you did me next Thursday evening at 7pm! Our 'lunches' together are sweet like honey! It is like having desert every afternoon while Craig and Diana are at work! I look forward to the day that we can be together all the time!
I Love You,

After I read it, I printed it out and emailed it to myself. Then I opened each email one by one, and repeated the process of reading, printing and then emailing them to myself. Each letter was more graphic then the last, describing their love for each other, and the details what they did when together and what they wanted to do when they got together the next time. Laurie had even written a number of really sickening and I must add, adolescent poems to Steve about how she felt about him. they reminded me of something that I would have written as a young teenager! They were all very graphic in a physical kind of way, describing the feelings in her body!
Talk about shocking!

I was at a loss as to what to do and how to handle the situation. I wanted to confront Steve and Laurie yet I was afraid of what they would say, and what they would do! I thought this woman was my friend! I thought about all the times that she had come to visit at our house, with her husband Craig, and her kids in tow, and I had never thought anything of it when she would joke around with Steve. It just never occurred to me that this close friend of mine would be making a play for my husband!

After meditating on it most of the night, I decided that i would confront both Steve and Laurie at the same time, and I would invite Laurie's husband Craig to join me in the confrontation. This confrontation I decided, would take place the following Thursday evening at 7pm! IN COURT! The perfect place for witnesses to be present!

I called Craig and the next day, and asked him to meet me for lunch. He was a bit curious as to why, but I told him I would explain everything the next day when we saw each other. We met at a local diner, and I came with an envelope with copies of the emails in tow.

I gently as I could, told Craig of my discovery. At first, Craig did not want to believe me! He thought it was some sort of a sick joke. That is, until I pulled out the letters. He read them one by one, each one getting more and more somber. We were both in tears as we talked about how they had betrayed us, and wondered out loud to each other, how long this must have been going on. Craig agreed that it would be best, to confront the two of them in court, where Laurie would be there to support Steve the way he had been there for him!

So there we were! Craig and I arrived at the court the next Thursday. We watched in the parking log as Laurie and Steve pulled up together in her car! Steve had made up an excuse that he was going to play tennis with his father. Laurie had told Craig she was going over her friend Barb's house. Craig and I watched the car as Laurie and Steve sat kissing each other passionately. It was proof in the flesh! We had seen it for ourselves now, and nothing was going to hold us back.

While Steve and Laurie were "engaging each other", Craig and I quickly made our way into the courtroom. We sat down in the 3rd Isle back. After about 5 minutes, Laurie and Steve walked in the door, not noticing us yet in the crouded court room. They took seats in the back, and on the opposite side of the isle, incredibly STILL not noticing that we were there. It must have been fate the way it happened.

After several other cases were called up to the front, finally Steve was called. Laurie got up and walked with him, holding his hand up to the Judge. Laurie stopped mid-step as she passed where Craig and I were sitting in the 3rd isle. Steve still hadn't noticed us being on the other side of her, and he turned to see why she had stopped. As he did, he too saw us sitting there, both of us glaring right at them. The judge again told Steve to approach the bench, and this time in an irritated voice. Not knowing what to do, Steve and Laurie proceeded up to the bench. They both looked like deers in headlights! As the judge read the charges and asked them how Steve pleaded, we could see Laurie turning and looking back at us in utter disbelief! I wish I had had a camera because it was definitely a Kodak moment!

Steve was sentenced to the same $1500 fine and 1500 hours of community services that Laurie was sentenced to. They walked without a out of the courtroom, and very quickly too! That was the end of both mine and Craig's marriage.

I never did tell Steve how I had found out about the affair, or the court date. I insisted that I had found out in a dream. He was furious when I refused to tell him how I really found out! Craig said that Laurie had told him after arriving back home that night, and while packing her clothes, that her and Steve had never been so humiliated in their entire lives!

t is really ironic, that Steve was a Computer Programmer!

Well, they say what goes around comes around! Steve and Laurie married each other 4 weeks to the day of my divorce. They are now divorced because Steve caught Laurie having an affair with his "best friend". I call it KARMA!

A True Story Written by
Diana Smith

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